Friday, October 10, 2014

Sometimes you run with your daughter...

Today Sophie had the day off from school. So we made a special breakfast, which was hash browns and spinach tofu scramble. Then we cleaned up the house because she was supposed to have a friend over, but they didn't come. So instead, we went for a jog. And I didn't know what to expect, because she's a kid with little legs, but she ran 1.7 miles with me and only stopped once. So for her little legs, that must be like me running 3 miles haha. Then I took her to get some ice cream.

For dinner, we had tempeh wings with vegan ranch, celery, carrots, and oven baked fries and beets.


  1. awesome father-daughter bonding! :D

  2. Wow, she in good shape XD
    BTW, is tempeh very different in flavor from tofu?
    I have never tasted it... and I don't think I can find it here...

    1. Yeah, tempeh is very different in both taste and texture from Tofu. It is the whole bean, fermented and pressed to form a patty. And unlike tofu, that is pretty much a blank flavor before you cook/season it, tempeh does have a nutty flavor, with a hint of fermentation. But you can boil it for like 10 minutes before using it to remove that flavor(for the most part), and then season as you like. It's really tasty though, we like it a lot, and eat it about once every couple weeks or so.
