Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sometimes you bike up a volcano...

I like saying that, but it's really not much of a volcano. And it's not much of a mountain either. But it's still not easy to get up there on bike. But it was a beautiful day today, and I enjoyed going up there on bike. We usually walk up there, because obviously it is all uphill. But that's what makes it a challenge on bike. Here are some pics from that:

The view towards downtown form up there. 

Part of the path up there. Super awesome, towering trees! 

On the other side, there's Mt. Hood, a much larger and actual mountain, about 60 miles away. 

Beautiful views up there :) 

Here's a screenshot of the app I use to track my rides/runs:

Short, but intense ride.

And since it was such a beautiful, dry, day, we took the piggies out to the yard for a bit.

All in all, awesome day :D

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