Friday, October 3, 2014

Sometimes you need more monitors...

When I do large projects, I seriously need more monitors. Tonight I had to create about 40 new print queues for 3 new facilities on-boarding with one of our clients. And seriously, I have to have soooo many things open. I find myself clicking through so many windows to reference the list of printers while creating them, the powershell windows, the cmd window, the sharepoint site for the driver stress testing, the server RDP connections, it gets crazy...I could use more monitor space.
I currently have two, I am considering adding a third...

My other monitor is just as crazy...
Alright, I gotta get back to the printer creation...


  1. What do you think is more useful? More monitors or a big 4k monitor?
    I ask because I have 3 monitors right now but sometimes feel like it would be better to have a big one with more resolution (aka more space to work)... my neck would appreciate having just one XD


    1. Interesting article. I never considered a single large display. That might be the way to go. I've never tried it though.

    2. Yeah, I was like that too... but a good 4k monitor seems like the best option right now... at least for the neck XD

  3. I find two monitors useful when needing two windows open for one task, but I think three would be overwhelming and distracting, but I get easily distracted. ...
