Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Sometimes you need soy sauce...

A lot of it....

Like a boss...
 It's our favorite soy sauce. Like with the tabasco, the little containers are very expensive, so might as well get this much. It's not perishable.

Also, check out this "invitation" Sophie got. Kids are awesome. Who cares about the details, right? I want you at my birthday party.


  1. Awwwwwww yes, Kikkoman is my favorite brand of soy sauce too, I have tried others but none comes close to it... but it's not like there is that much variety here... But yeah, I have been wanting to buy a 2 littler bottle but they don't sell it where I go...
    And awesome birthday invitation XD

    1. My brother bought one once where we used to live, it was like 10 bucks, probably a little more... I don't remember, but it was waaaaaaay cheaper than normal bottles.

  2. lol so funny (x the birthday card.
