Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sometimes things die...

So FB decided to remind me of this long dead page we worked on long ago:

It was a project we were working on like 4 years ago? I think it was Geli, Diego, Sergio, Mari, and I. I could be forgetting someone though, been a long time. It was a timeline of ALL video games released, ever, on any platform. Pretty ambitious for people with short attention spans. It's been so long ago, that we didn't even have a category for mobile lol. Here is the link to the graveyard:

On another note, Sophie was off from school today, so I made her a special breakfast:

Kinda like an egg mcmuffin, but vegan + hash browns. Pan fried tofu, cheeze, tofurky "bologna" and "sausage" on an english muffin. And avocado, just cuz we can :) 
We've also been getting winter squash like every week in the weekly bin. So we struggle to keep up haha the yellow ones are spaguetti squash, the tan one is a butternut, the rest are sugar pumpkins, of sorts.


  1. Butternut squash is awesome, I have prepared curry with it and it tastes awesome, how is the spaghetti compared to the butternut?
    And the breakfast looks freaking good -_-, I'm hungry now, lol

    1. Spaguetti squash is strange, in that it's stringy(hence the name). It's really odd. Less pumpkiny flavor, less sweet and more neutral than butternut imo. It's really good.
