Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sometimes you have fun at the castle...

Today the mailman woke us up. They finally delivered Sophie's shoes!!!! We ordered them April 19th!! And they got here today. Wouldn't be an issue, except she picked them out on the site, so she had been asking for them for a while!! So of course she had to wear them today...

So today Geli wanted us out of the house so she could concentrate. So Sophie and I wandered around the town. We went to the Trinity church tower because there was some vegan cupcakes for sale, but by the time we got there, they were out :( Which is good really, that there was a high demand for them. Bad that we didn't get any. This is what the building looked like:

The entrace to the cafe(was a church, and a Roman tower before that!)

The inside of the church converted to a cafe haha They should do that to all churches really, put them to good use.

There was people buried under the floor! This is the floor of the cafe! Weird huh?
This is the tower. Built in the 10th century! About 1100 yrs old!!!

This guy went all out! A street performer, playing on high street.
Once at the castle, we hung out at the front of it. Something we usually don't do. Sophie was blowing bubbles, then asking me to blow them for her and she "catches" them. We got a crows of kids around us, and Sophie played with them.

My best bubble shot yet? You can see me and Sophie in the bubble!

Kids climbing the castle! lol

We must have played bubbles for about an hour! Kids came, and left, and other kids replaced them. But Sophie wanted more and more we kept at it.

Sophie blowing bubbles for the kids...

Weird flower!!!

Cool plant with a flower sphere! haha

Gray bell flowers!

I like the crispness of this shot!

After the park, we went grocery shopping. Then we got some chips(fries!), and went home for lunch. Nice day at the park :) And Geli got her peace and quiet, at least for a bit....


  1. Your posts are always so cool and full of pictures. While the rest of ours are about studying, homework....videogames (lol). This summer I'm gonna go out everyday and take loads of pics! There may not be beautiful sceneries in EP like over there but still. :)

  2. I promise my posts will keep being all videogame and nerdy, hahaha, be it for good or bad :P. That bee pic gave me shivers haha.

  3. I agree with Mari, your post are awesome.

    And that church/cafe looks pretty cool. Id love to go to a place like that.

  4. I envy your days out when I am studying! hahaha :)
