Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sometimes you hold the fort...

No time to say much today. Just that, I am the only one at work at 5am haha. So when I come in, it looks like this:

So I have to hold the fort till other people come in, and well, it is cool and all, but what if I get sick? haha


  1. That's true, can someone fill in for you? Like me, if I get sick, and they absolutely need something, they'll call me and tell me to do it from home, haha

  2. Lol! don't you get like 1 call or 2 at that time?

  3. hahha im sure the clients can wait!

  4. @Sergio - yes, when I schedule days off, someone fills in for me. But I havent called in sick on this schedule, so I don't know how they would handle it lol

    @Mari - usually, yes. But what if something breaks, or there are system issues in the morning that need to be addressed? One thing I learned in IT is to avoid single points of failure. Having only 1 tech, is a single point of failure.

  5. @geli - Yes, they can. But then it isn't 24/7 like they love to tell the clients that it is.

  6. awwww u have no "teammates"!! GRR!! hahaha
