Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sometimes you discover ciabatta bread!

Bread is big here. There seems to be a lot of it at the grocery stores. Fresh baked. A lot of different kinds of rolls, bagels, loaves, pitas, pastries, buns, donuts, you name it! We had seen these ciabatta rolls there a few times, at least I had. And it wasn't until this past weekend that we decided to use them instead of hamburger buns for the veggie burgers we were going to eat this week.

Ciabatta rolls!
Let me tell you, they are fantastic!! Very soft and very flavorful! They were delicious!! We ate them Sunday and yesterday. Today I had to get a few things for today's dinner, so I stopped at the grocery store after dropping Sophie off in daycare. I could not resist, I had to get some more! And we had them for lunch again. Too awesome!!


  1. D: This isn't fair, I was going to write tomorrow or the day after tomorrow about this bread :P, I have baked it a few times but haven't been able to make one that good looking.
    I love this bread, one of my favorite ones after the baguette.

  2. @Luis - haha sorry? Clearly, there was no mechanism through which I could have known. BUT, we didn't bake them, so your post would be different, still do it!

  3. Oh man I love bread and that does look extremely delicious. Mmmmm

  4. XD I was joking, it's just that I found it weird that I wanted to write about something and then I see a post about it, it was weird :P

  5. they look tasty!! Your camera makes everything look amazing. take a picture of poop and it will look GLROIOUS!! hahahaha

  6. @Luis - Ok! I expect a Ciabatta post soon! haha
    @Paco - lol just for you, I will! There should be plenty of opportunnities around here, people don't pick up after their dogs! hahaha
