Friday, May 20, 2011

Sometimes you have to play toys...

"Let's play toys"
That's what Sophie says when she wants to play with her toys, and wants me to be there with her...playing. 

"Daddy, let's play toys, a lot. Okay?"

She understands the concept of a little bit now, and she doesn't like it. So when it is something she wants to do, she adds "a lot" to the end of it haha. 

Martha and Gustavo sent her new ones, and she loves them. So we were playing today, and I thought I would take some pictures of them. They remind me of my childood :) And just playing with plastic toys, talking and making sound effects. It was fun.

Dinosaurs! These are tiny! The camera makes them look big. 
Sophie says "This one looks like a turtle" about the blue one

Sophie: "I'm a goat"

"Daddy, the lion is talking to the monkey, ok? He says 'RAAAAAWR'"

This is supposed to be the elephant and hippo standing up the panther thingy haha
So I like playing with her, just there isn't always enough time. So sometimes, I catch myself neglecting her, but I mean, all she wants to do is play. At all times. She is insatiable(although reasonable, for a 4 year old). I play with her as much as I can. And I miss Paco when I do, it reminds me us playing "monitos"...


  1. lol, "monitos". Yup, a child has a weird imagination, but cool :)

  2. hahah yeah, she wants to play ALL the time...

  3. Dang vato, i miss you too, when i play monitos... hahah jk =) But i do miss you. You and geli are really good parents. That's pretty awesome man. BTW thats some cool dinosaur monitos haha =)

  4. This post is super super cute!!! I think my parents are addicted to sending stuff to the UK lol.

  5. @Paco - Thanks man!!! :)
    @Mari - THanks! And yes, they are! haha

  6. Yeah! Just now I saw another package that my mom is gonna send lol

  7. @Mari - lol! And she JUST got another package today!
