Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sometimes you realize we are all star stuff...

We are literally made of star stuff. Every atom in your body was forged in the furnace of a star...stop and think about that.

The Rosette Lula Nebula! NASA Image

If that doesn't make you feel a deep connection to the cosmos, I don't know what would. That is much more humbling, and beautiful than any fairy tale humanity has ever come up with*. This is one of the reasons people give to show the "goodness" of religion. It makes people feel connected, a deep connection to the universe we live.

What deeper connection do you want? You were once in a star. Literally...

*Even if this wasn't the case though, I still rather have the truth over some puffed up, sugar coated story that is not true.


  1. And thats why I love the saying "From (star)dust you came to (star)dust you shall return", but not the religious/literal point of view, but a more reasoned way of viewing it.

  2. Wow, it's so amazing when you think about it. This kind of reminded me of the I heart Huckabees movie lol

  3. yeah, i dont get the point of needing a god or gods at all....

  4. This is beautiful. I miss you

  5. @Luis - yeah, where is that from?
    @Mari - haha it does
    @Geli - it is a watered down substitute, at best. Nature is way more amazing than we are ingenious.
    @Paco - Thanks man :) I miss you too!
