Monday, May 9, 2011

Sometimes you go looking for patatas...

My workday started off rather well...On the way back from taking Sophie to daycare, I quickly stopped at one of the many second hand stores around here, mainly to look for a "piggie" that Sophie has been asking for. I don't know why, but she wants to add a pig to her animal collection. So I went in to see if I saw one in the toy section, and instead I found these:

50p a piece, so why not? 
The new issues are like £4 or £5, and one has an article about filters(which I am currently looking into) and the other on wide angle lenses, which are super awesome. So instead of finding a piggie, I found these. Not too bad! And then, it would get even better! I didn't get calls for the 1st hour!

Sitting in "ready"! No calls! W00t! 

After an hour of nothing, it was calls non-stop, but then again, its always calls non-stop. So this free hour was sweeeeeeet!! And I am not making this one up...guess who called today? Anoob! lol In my 9 years of working answering phones(ouch!), I had never seen a noob! 

Are you a noob?
On a not so pleasant note, they do billing very strangely here. They had not billed us for the gas the while time we've been here, even though I called them, and notified them I had moved in, and setup the electric with them too. So what do they do? Send us a bill for 7 months of gas and 3 months of electric at once.

That just looks wrong....£634!!!

Yeah, I wonder how many people get this and freak out? I assume not everyone has $1100 to pay the gas/electric on a random month! They seem to bill twice a year for the gas, and quarterly for the electric. Weird huh?

And then, just some quick pics again tonight when Sophie and I went to the store for some potatoes(patatas in Spain!) and a few other things.

Good lookin moon! 

Moon again!
Sophie got a sticky hand from the machine! :) 

Sunset from the front of the house! Power lines usually ruin a picture, but here, I like the way they look, kind of like a spider web. 


  1. I LOVE LOVE that last picture! and cool day! mine sucked hahah

  2. Anoob, hahaha, cool name. Pretty sweet :)

  3. I agree with Geli, that picture is amazing!! Did you laugh at the Anoob guy lol?

  4. wait a sec, what does patatas have to do with anything?!

  5. @Geli and mari - Glad you like that picture. Weird that it was just an afterthought, as we were getting home.

    And patatas!! That is why we went to the store, for poratoes! haha As I was writing it, I remembered that is what they are called in Spain.

  6. @Mari - I didn't laugh at him, but I did ask, "So you're Anoob?" hahaha

  7. Those precious minutes taste like glory when you know you could be working nonstop instead of doing nothing. And Anoob, lol, thats priceless.
