Monday, May 30, 2011

Sometimes you eat picadillo in England!

So I had the day off today, which was nice. We didn't do much though, just got some laundry detergent, grocery shopping, and then to the park with Sophie. Since I work from 11am-8pm usually, Geli usually cooks dinner now. But today, since I was off I cooked dinner. And I made some vegan picadillo!

Chopped up potaties, onions, and garlic!

The silver pot is the main picadillo, green pot is red rice, and the little pot on the left is Sophie's picadillo(sin chile). 

Vegan picadillo, almost done!

The final product! With a side of lemon+olive oil asparagus! 

Oh yeah, and at the castle today, this squirrel became my friend. I got the feeling it was just using me for my peanuts though...



  1. Mmmm, delicious! Although that's one of things I eat most days lol. :)

  2. That picadillo looks delicious.

    BTW, run away from that squirrel, it might look cute and all, but I heard they go for the nuts :P
