Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sometimes you just have to say "Goooooooya!!!"

I am not a huge fan of candy. Mexican candy, I do like, a lot of it. But normal candy, not really a fan. Things like jelly beans, gummy candy, hard candy. Most of it I really don't like. And it is usually ages in between trying them. Like I almost "forget" why I don't like jelly beans. And then I try one, a year later, and quickly remember why I don't like them.

But today, in a search for gummy candy without gelatin for Geli, we found some that I actually liked! It was not very firm, almost gooey, but really good! Which is odd, but again, they tasted really good, almost like really fresh gummy candy.

We also found these:

Strange, but delicious!
They are called Flying Saucers(I wonder why? lol). And they are church communion wafers(ostias!)!! haha In a slightly different shape, and 2 of them, glued together, and filled with a powdery candy that is sweet and sour, and almost a little bit like pop rocks! Again, these were surprisingly good!

I also got to watch the Pumas vs Chivas game! Direct from Televisa, off their website. They block US IP addresses, but apparently, not UK ones, so I can watch the games without issues. I usually don't, because of the time, 7pm games would mean 1am here. But Pumas plays at home at noon, so that is 6pm here, which I can totally do.

Not bad, eh?
Gooooooya! :D 
So the game was awesome. Very entertaining, intense, and the cherry on top was that Pumas won and is in the final now. Aaaaaaaand I get to watch the final next Sunday too(unless we are on a trip somewhere, which we might be), here at home, same time. 


  1. Yeah, I hate that type of candy too lol. Bryant loves it for some reason.

    && Church communion wafers? wtf is that lol

    Where are you guys going!?

  2. church communion wafers taste like cardboard! and i still have to make fun of my dad for cruz azul losing! hahah

  3. Almost all american candy sucks, i couldn't say about euro candy, but i do needs me some tamarindo on my candy :)

  4. ostias hahahah thats hilarious! i miss the wine at our church, best wine EVER!! haha i gotta ask mom what kind of wine that was so i can buy some here hahaha and @ Diego haha tamarindo is the BEST!!!

  5. paco, it's called angelica...hahah i remember for obvious reasons :)

  6. @Paco & Geli - yeah! I want some of that wine too! I really liked it! hahaha
