Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sometimes you update applications older than you are...

Today I did an update for a client for an app that was super ancient. I won't even say much about it, just check it out:

So yeah, that was fun...it's crazy to think that there are still developers whose job it is to patch these dinosaurs up. But then again my job (today at least) is to apply the patches to these apps so that's weird too.


  1. :O WTF? On what do they run that? On a potato? :P
    No, but seriously, I have heard that people that can code that kind of applications are payed pretty well, it's like speaking a dead tongue :P

    1. Haha It's actually installed on Windows Server 2003, which itself is ancient, but still 26 years younger than this app! Which in computer years, is like 3 million years.
