Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Sometimes the fourth of july is awesome...

I never really care for most holidays. I feel very little connection, if any, to the celebrations most of the time. And nationalistic holidays are not something I am fond of. But I had the day off, so even on that alone, it had to be better than most days.

We rented a truck with zipcar because we made an appointment at 10am with a lady on craigslist to go see a mattress and bed she had on sale that we were thinking of getting for Sophie. So we got up, ate breakfast, and drove there. It was far, by Portland standards, like 12 miles. We went out there, saw it, liked it, and bought it. Drove it back home, dropped it off, returned the truck. The street the truck was returned on was near our apt and also had many restaurants and shops nearby. So Geli thought we should walk around there and check it out, get to know our neighborhood. We did, we went into a couple thrift shops, bought some spoons to make tea(you'd have to see them, they are for loose leaf tea), a kitchen brush, and some clothes hangers. Then we checked out another grocery store that was supposed to be cool, and it was, but not as cool as the co-op. Then we walked a couple miles and got hungry, so we walked looking for a Mexican restaurant called "Los Gorditos" that has a vegan menu and is supposed to be awesome. We walked there, but it was closed :( So we had lunch at a place called D-Street Noshery, which is a collection of food carts, most of which are vegan friendly. So we had an indian bowl with a samosa at Roshambo, which was delicious!! We also got a vegan hot dog with garlic fries at Bailey's Hot Dogs which was also super good! Then we had some strawberry coconout with chocolate crumbs in it sorbet on a cone that was vegan for dessert! It was mega good too.

We then walked back  home, setup Sophie's bed, put her sheets on and took a nap. Then we got up, ordered a few things we needed off amazon(bike pump, water bottles, pearl jam cd, mars volta cd, so just bare necessities). And then we biked downtown(about 3 or 4 miles) to see the fireworks once the sun went down. Loved the bike ride there(even though google maps failed us and we got lost for a bit). It was beyond crowded, so we walked our biked looking for a spot to see them on. We had an awesome one on the bridge, but Geli was freaking out every time a car passed by, cuz you can feel it on the floor. So we walked to the river, and we had a partial view from there, but it was too crowded to go anywhere else. We watched the fireworks. Pretty cool, I had forgotten how loud they are. Then we had a very pleasant ride back.

All in all, I knew it would be cool to get the day off, but I had no idea it would be this awesome. I even had a hot dog, ice cream, and watched fireworks lol so I even "celebrated" it in a somewhat traditional way....

P.S. A lovely 74 degrees and sunny today...


  1. yeah, it was awesome! we almost have everything on our list! food carts! bike rides! :)

  2. That sounds like a perfect day!! I wanna go visit you guys like.. now!! :) And yes, you guys order a bunch of stuff through amazon.. you spam up my e-mail. lol

  3. That sounds like a pretty pleasant day :D
