Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sometimes you go to a potluck...

...and it is strange. I gotta tell you, I realize more and more as I get older that I am very socially awkward. I hate meeting new people, mostly because I suck at it. I suck at making conversation, I suck at knowing what to say. I am terrified of talking to strangers. And yet, I need social interaction. I am one weird person.

So today, in an attempt to make some friends here in Portland, we went to a vegan potluck hosted by the Northwest Vegans group. There was lots of people, easily over 50, and if it was close to 100, I would not be surprised. There was lots of food, all vegan, and it was tasty for the most part(although not as tasty as our patented tofu salad! haha jk). But if it wasn't for this one couple that talked to us and pretty much forced us to sit with them, we would not have talked to or met anyone! It was easy to get lost in the crowd, and so I am sure we would have, if not for them. We talked to them for a bit, and exchanged information. We are supposed to meet with them soon. So you could say that went well. As well as a meeting with a room full of strangers can go for us...

1 comment:

  1. yeah, you are like a super shy extrovert's weird! Cause you want to meet people but meeting people terrifies you....
