Monday, July 9, 2012

Sometimes you organize your library...

...of pictures that is. We have over 100GB of images apparently. And they were a mess. We finally came up with a date structure + special event/location format. No sub-folders, just the dates the images were taken, and any quick info on what it is, if special. Like this:

But we had attempted to organize by locations, and subfolders, and people, and dates, it was a mess!! Like we had a Sophie folder, but within it was sorted by folders in chronological order(1mo, 2mo, 6mo, 2yrs, etc), but then there was pics that went in the family folder, but they were also of sophie, but they were also in London, so yeah, that was not working out and it was chaos...needless to say, it took about 10 hrs of work. And that's not an exaggeration. But at last, all our pics are neatly organized. We also got rid of any doubles(with the previous chaos, there were tons of doubles), lost RAW files, and pics from other cams(Martha's, Lisa's, Mari's). So yeah, it is finally under control. We had been meaning to get that done for at least a year.

Another pressing issue was that we have a working drive(laptop), and 2 external drives, and there was no full backup of anything! We finally got a master copy, and mirrored it on all 3. But then cleared out all the old pics except for the last 3 months from the laptop to clear clutter and not fill up the drive. So yeah, that took up a large part of our weekend. All in preparation for the arrival of our new family member...The Canon 7D!

And just because we looked through tons of pics, here are a few random ones, since we can't take any yet:
Sergio's insatiable love for electronics...the technology changes, his unquenchable thirst does not.

Sophie was apparently this small at one point. And she was angry...

Sophie hugging a goat :D

Old school Mari and Geli! :D


  1. Oh yes, I will before quenching my technology thirst. Organizing files on a computer...I love doing that :)

  2. the 7d is taking way tooooooooo long to get here!

  3. I still need to organize all my photos.. no manches. 10 hrs?!
