Monday, July 9, 2012

Sometimes your bike fails, again...

Okay, something is up with my rear tire. We took it to get fixed on Saturday, and by today it was almost flat again. Not fully flat, but very deflated. And the valves on these tires are weird, supper skinny ones, not the ones I am used to(looked it up and they are called Presta Valves). And the pump we got looked like it was made for the other "normal" valves(called Schrader Valves). So we walked it to the shop on Saturday, and found a vacuum cleaner on the way, sitting outside a house with a sign that said "Free, it works!". So I sent Geli on with both the bikes, and ran back home to take the vacuum cleaner back, then ran back to Geli to the bike shop. They said it was the tube, and replaced it. They also said the pump we have works for those valves too, although I gotta tell you, it is kinda tricky to get it to work right :(

So it was odd that today, problems again. Since it was not completely flat, and the valves are weird, I thought maybe it was just loose and let the air out slowly(you have to loosen the valve to pump air in it, it is odd). I pumped it up and went on our epic the end of the ride on the way back, it was low, very low. I could feel the bumps hit the rim, so I got off the bike and walked it home. There was only about 5 blocks left yeah. Today, I will take it to the shop again, and see what's up with that tube/valve.


  1. yeah, your bike is being difficult, hopefully they fix it right today

  2. That's starting to sound a little to familiar to a car, lol.

  3. Andele... road bikes are difficult. Jk, that sucks, but at least you got a free vacuum!

    1. haha well actually, it was that the first guy that fixed it didn't see the wire stuck in the tire that was causing the flat. This guy removed it, good to go!
