Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sometimes you go to the movies...

We decided to go see Mushroom Kingdom today, I mean Moonrise Kingdom haha. I can't help calling it that. Those are the words my brain keeps handing to me when I think of that movie. Anyway, it was at an ooooold looking theater(pics coming!), very cool! And the movie was very enjoyable. The theater was a couple or so miles south of where we live. Very scenic ride on the way there.

We then walked around that neighborhood, since it is very lively and cool looking during the day. But it was kinda dead. Not much going on around there at night. Which was weird, cuz it is a friday night. Tomorrow, we have to take the bikes in for the 30 day tune up. We then plan to find breakfast around there and explore downtown on foot until the bikes are ready! Should be fun!

Also, today Geli has been kinda grumpy and mean to me because she blames her inability to sleep on me for some reason. I tell her I will teach her how to sleep, but she just gets mad at me!

One last thing, please do yourself a favor and check out the song posted here:

Judgement Day - Demon Fire

It is way too awesome. I can't stop listening to it. I can hardly wait until this album comes out. An acoustic album by Judgement Day!

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