Monday, July 2, 2012

Sometimes you return a router...

And then realize, there was probably nothing wrong with it. We had to get a wireless router for the apt. We initially got a Cisco Linksys E900, because I like Cisco. I work with them at work, and I figured it had to be "better" to work with than a consumer brand router, since Cisco is more geared at IT environments. I was disappointed from the start. To setup the router, you had to install software off a CD. WTF? What ever happened to just webbing to the default router address?!

After getting over that annoyance, the setup was kind of awkward, through some "wizard" instead of just giving you the settings options. Then, it worked flawlessly when wired in but was crawling when used via wireless. It was painfully slow. So something was up, but since it was a pain to mess with the settings, we didn't really mess with much, and decided to just return it.

After biking to Radioshack and reluctantly exchanging it for a Netgear N300, we went home. I was pleasantly surprised to find no CD, and that to setup the network, you just had to web to the default IP, and dial away at the settings....strange that Cisco got it so wrong, and Netgear is much more flexible for "advanced" users. But there you have it. I will not get Cisco consumer gear again. Their professional level routers are awesome, but they fail at consumer stuff, unless you like a wizard for network setup and want to install useless programs on your computer.

Oh, and what was probably slowing down the wireless on the cisco was that it was on the default wireless channel, and at an apartment complex with 20 other networks, that can't be good. But there was also no quick obvious way to change the channel. On the netgear, it was right next to the rest of the wireless settings....

So yeah, at last, fast wireless access!!!


  1. Netgear routers always give me problems... They usually only last for a year until they start going crazy. Hopefully it's a different story for you guys! Lol

    1. Yeah, I was reluctant to. I remember the white one crapping out. But the cisco one was just we gave Netgear another chance.
