Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sometimes you make waffles and ride in the rain...

Weird combination, I know. But it happened today. We bought a used waffle iron at a thrift store last week, and made some waffles with it today. Very cool! They came out awesome(again, no pics yet)!! :( We ate them with some bananas, cherries, and maple syrup. Delicious!

Then we had tons of places to go to and see today, so we had to bike. It was raining out though, most of the day. Although you can barely call it that. It was more like misting most of the day. It isn't something that I had ever experienced in El Paso. It wasn't sprinkling(chispeando). It wasn't raining. It was like a mist falling from the sky. And contrary to what you might think, it was very pleasant to ride in it. It wasn't enough to soak you or get your drenched, just a cool mist as you ride. I really enjoyed it....

It is ridiculous how bike friendly it is here. There are streets, entire streets, that are pretty much designated for bikes. Almost like a bike highway. And there are many crisscrossing the city so it is very easy and fast to get around town!

Also, we got lights for the bikes. They are rechargeable by USB! haha


  1. USB rechargeable bike lights??? That sounds interesting, haha

  2. biking thru mist is awesome, and biking in portland is easy!

  3. I haven't had waffles in so long!! MMM! And I think I know what kind of mist you're talking about!! It's like those little water things that they have downtown, right? That spray water at you and it feels so good. Lol

    1. yeah! Like that, except falling from the sky!
