Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sometimes you have an addiction...

...and in this case, it is bike riding. I like it. Maybe too much? Get this, I plan to get up extra early tomorrow so I can go for a bike before work. Will I go through with it? We shall see. Right now, I am confident I will.

Also, we finally bought some cumin(comino), so tomorrow hummus sandwiches for lunch!! w00t!

Canon 7D - 2 days away!!!

Random pics of the day:

This one is just awesome!! :D

In Bruges!!!!

Back in Sycorax days! hahaha


  1. Lmao.. that pic is hilarious. It shall be my new profile pic. Also, we should have a day where all we do is bike and play tennis!

  2. i will figure out bike riding! cause i'm starting to feel really left out. >.< that's cool tho. waking up early for it tho? that does sound like an addiction. lol

    1. Yes, figure it out! If not, I will show you when you come visit!(Cuz you will!)
