Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sometimes you have a normal day...

Today was pretty normal.

- I got up just in time for work.
- I worked. It was a normal work day.
- Ate yogurt with wheaties, granola, and strawberries for breakfast.
- A magnificent tofu sandwich for lunch.
- I ate a fabulous dinner that Geli made(curry stir fry!). I am lucky enough that fabulous meals are a part of my "normal" day.
- We called Sophie to say hi. I really miss her. 15 days to see her again!
- We made popcorn.
- We watched the old/original Bedazzled movie. It was much better than the new one with Brandon Frasier. I really liked it. Lots of social commentary.
- Gonna go to sleep soon.

Tomorrow, I want to start biking before work again. So I want to get up like at 6:15 or so and go bike before work at 7am. I plan to make it a daily thing, before work.

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