I also have to get these things done(and I've done some already!):
Things to do 6/28
1. Do Laundry
2. Make hummus and dinner wraps to go
3. Go to Safeway(grocery store)
4. Get buspass + food to go(cereal, non-refrigerated milk)
6. Map El Corazon(venue) > Paco's
7. Map Paco's > Our Saturday destinations
8. Map Paco's > Our Sunday destinations > Home
9. Pack my stuff 2 days
10. Pack Sophie's backpack(colors/toys)
11. Shower Sophie
13. Put map PDFs on Tablet
14. Charge Tablet
15. Pack bathroom stuff(toothbrushes, toothpaste, comb, shampoo, etc.)
16. Take letter to Manager to print and let her know vacating apt.
17. Take Sophie's carseat.
18. Wash dishes.
I of course also have to work. And feed and take care of Sophie. I hope our 2 memory cards are enough. Shooting a show + 2 days of being tourists is not something we've done without a memory card dump onto the PC(we're not taking the laptop).