Monday, June 10, 2013

Sometimes you are let down...

This time, by our realtor. I don't know what is up with her. Maybe we are horrible clients to have. But even then, this is not very professional. Yesterday we went to an open house. We like the house quite a bit, and we wanted to make an offer for it. I called our realtor from the open house, and she didn't answer. So I left her a message saying we wanted to place an offer for a house, to get back to me. She didn't call or email back. This was yesterday around 2pm. I called her again this morning, left another message. I still haven't heard back from her, and the house already went pending(they accepted another offer). This is not cool. The house was cute, in a good location, and was $289K(within our budget). I mean, the way things have been going, we most likely would have lost anyway, but who knows, we might not have. And now we lost the chance to bid on it...and we both really liked it. Sophie did too. So now I have to call the main office tomorrow and try to find out what happened. Ask for another realtor or switch companies altogether. I don't like to be "that guy" but this just not acceptable in such a competitive market, where every day counts. We were in time to do this, we were at the open house, and there was no yeah. I think we are cursed when it comes to houses. It should not be this difficult to give someone $300k.

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