Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sometimes you eat toast...

While watching Toast. It was just a movie that was in the netflix queue for ages for some reason, and we just finally watched it. It was interesting, about a kid in Britain that grows up to be a famous cook, based on real life. It was entertaining.

Also, yesterday, I broke ALL our large plates and cut my finger too...I was washing dishes and the dish rack collapsed/broke, dropping all the plates. I reached in to the sink to try to keep them from falling in, but a split second too late. I reached into a pile of broken plates and got this:

It was pretty deep, and I never put anything in my cuts. But this time Geli insisted I put this antibiotic ointment on it, and it worked pretty well. It healed up pretty well. It's still a bit sore, but fine really. And now we have no plates lol. So like today, I had to serve my breakfast on 2 of the small plates.

Oh, and I had been meaning to post this, but hadn't gotten around to it.

A few weeks ago, we made some chocolate chip cup cakes. Sophie wanted frosting on hers. Purple. So we mixed some red with some of the frosting we had frozen that was leftover from her birthday(blue), and there you have it....not very neat, but we weren't gonna fill the bag and use the frosting/decorating tip for just one cupcake(we eat ours without frosting, they're sweet enough as is).

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