Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sometimes you actually win...

So we won the offer on the house. Crazy. There was cash offers too, so that we won is unexpected. We will be doing the inspections this week. Then there's the bank's appraisal, and the underwriting on the loan. So there's a few hurdles yet. But this is the first time we win a multiple offer situation, and there's been like 8 of them. Here are 6 of them:

On another one, we were ready to offer $300K and another client from our realtor had already offered more, so she let us know so we wouldn't get our hopes up and waste our time. We also made a verbal offer for another one for $300K, and they didn't go for it either. So yeah, first time we win a multiple offer situation(Last accepted offer was the only one submitted). So now, let's see what happens with the inspection this week.

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