Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sometimes you don't have a lazy day...

Today we had a lot to do, just like yesterday. We usually do absolutely nothing on Sundays, and it is awesome. But not this one. We had dinner for breakfast, and and breakfast for dinner, then we went to an open house, then to the thrift shop for a couple plates since I broke them all last week. Then we went to fix my bike, I just needed to replace the chain on it, but ended up replacing the cassette too. And man, it feels so smooth now. I love taking my bike to that place(A Better Cycle). It's a cool worked owned bike shop. They're super nice, and super helpful. Then we went to the co-op for some groceries, then home, then to get some quarters to do laundry, then did 2 loads of laundry while watching a movie kind of. Also had some popcorn and a bagel. Then tried to make a dent in the processing of the pics, but no time really. All in all, a pretty cool Sunday, despite being so busy.

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