Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sometimes you wear many hats...

This week has been pretty crazy. With the house offer being accepted, there has been a barrage of things we need to get done. So I have been busy making calls, gathering and signing all sorts of documents, looking into interest rates, trying to understand the loan, paying for inspections, trying to schedule them as soon as possible, etc. I also have Sophie this week at home with me. So I have been keeping her entertained as well. Like in the mornings I make/serve her breakfast, when she's done with that, I have her write in her journal, which is where she makes a drawing of what she did the previous day and also writes a couple sentences about it(I'll upload pics of them later, they're cute). They taught her this at school, so I have just kept it going here at home this week for somewhat selfish reasons - I absolutely love reading them. I have kept all of the ones she brought home from school haha. So after that I give her an array of activities, some reading a short story and answering questions about it on her own. Others some addition and subtraction. Some doodling and coloring. And some free play and TV sprinkled in. She also helped me do the laundry. She has been lacking in park/outdoor time though, but I just have no time to get her outside during the week :/ Today I will take her though, I promised her(after work). Even if just for a bit, cuz I gotta get home in time to make the cheeze sauce for the dinner. All this while still getting my work duties done.

So I've been dad/teacher/playmate/IT tech/house buyer/home maker all at once this week. 
So it's been a crazy week. But I've enjoyed having Sophie home so far :) And today we have the house inspection. I am hoping there aren't going to be too many unpleasant surprises...but it's an 89 year old house. So there probably will be...

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