Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sometimes you have more pics...

Okay, so we've all been slacking it. No one is posting as regularly as we agreed to. But here are some pics that were supposed to be in previous posts:

This is the taco-inside-a-taco I had told you about. Although, I realize it can't be a taco with a flour tortilla. This is taco-bell speak haha. We also had some vegan s'mores and a vegan chocolate chip ice cream sandwich! Bomb!

This is where I come take the certification exams. It's a technical school.

Traffic, on the way back from the certification exam...this is something that makes me not miss cars at all...

This is the zipcar closest to our house(less than half a mile). So this is the one I rent when it's available. It's also like $8/hr, so it's not bad. And that includes gas and insurance.

I got this vegan cupcake for Sophie last month when I took her to a birthday party of one of her friends. So she would have something to eat while everyone eats cake. She didn't even eat it. Was too busy playing to care about cake lol.

So I'm relaxing at the park, laying down under a tree. And then something falls on me.

So what do Sophie and I do? Proceed to take tons of pics of it!

It was almost sunset, so it was a beautiful backdrop!

The kit lens can get some pretty decent magnification in a pinch!

"What is this strange terrain I am walking on?!"

And then on the way home, this bug was posing. So I had to take a pic.

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