Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sometimes you break the streak...

In this case, the monthly certification streak I had going since January. This month I won't be taking an exam. I am not even studying for one. I don't even know what I would take next. I am not sure how I feel about that. I guess I lost motivation since they aren't showing any interest in moving me to engineering at work. And here in Portland things aren't looking too good either. Not that I have really tried. I actually have an interview on Monday, in person at the power company, and I am pretty sure I am gonna cancel that tomorrow. Things are way too hectic right now like to think about going to an interview where I have to dig out my dress clothes(been years since I have had to wear them haha), re-learn to tie a tie, get a baby sitter since Sophie is home, figure out how to get the time off from work, so yeah. Not gonna do that. I will cancel that tomorrow(it was for a hardware support job anyway, not systems administration like I would want). But yeah...I shouldn't have broken this streak. I know it will be very difficult to get back on the certification track. Last time I got off it, it took me 3+ yrs to get back into it.

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