Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sometimes it rains on your clothes 3 times...

I did laundry today. We don't have(or want) a dryer, so after they clothes come out of the washer, we hang them up. They dry fine, it saves a lot of energy, and another appliance to have to buy, maintain, and with all the moving we do, move around with you. So we do without, and we don't really miss the dryer. Anyway, today the weather was strange. We usually wait for a sunny day, then do laundry, and hang most of the clothes outside to dry. Today, it was sunny, so I did laundry, hung them outside, and like 20 minutes later, it was raining! So I ran outside took them down, brought them inside, layed them out throughout the house(half the "hanger" in the bathroom broke, so we kind of have to do that outside now.

Then, 30 minutes later, sunny again. So I thought I would put them out again. Did that, and no joke, 30 minutes later....raining again. So I brought them in, again. Then it was sunny again, so I thought, it can't rain again, right? I brought them inside, and left them inside...

On a much brighter note, as I have said before, I like buying new fruit when I see it. I saw this "honeydew" melon at the market, and I had to get it. It didn't look like the almost white(on the outside) round honeydews from the US I had tried before, so I got one.

It surpassed all expectations!! Best melon ever!! You can even see in the picture, it is a mostly green, but has some orange too. It was very juicy, very sweet, and very tasty! Geli hates melons, but I made her try this one, and she liked it!! w00t! So tomorrow, I will go get another one! haha it was a fantastic melon!! 


  1. im telling you, england's weather is very volatile! and that melon was good! i am impressed!

  2. It's cause you don't have a car, when will the god of rain know when to make it rain if you don't have a washed car? So now (s)he knows to wait for you to hang the clothes :P

  3. LOL, at least it only water and not sand :P, I have had to wash my clothes again because of that sometimes >.<

    And that melon looks so delicious :O

  4. wooow! lol the weather is crazy!! I wish we had that kind of weather over here!! Mmmm, that melon looks weird but good!
