Friday, June 17, 2011

Sometimes spammers take years...

So I got this spam email's been like 3 years almost since we sold the car, and I am getting spam replies to the car ad we placed in so many places that apparently some are still floating around the internet...

Advert, that is still a funny word to me....

When we first posted the car, we got tons of these spam replies!! We even got some bad checks for thousands of dollars. Like they send you part of what you are asking for the car, then you tell them it is not the right amount and they say "Oh, sorry about that. Deposit it in your account send $500 to so so, and I will send you the rest of the money today. But I need to send $500 to so and so so they can arrange the shipping of the car". It is clearly a bad check, that will bounce later, and they just scammed us for $500. The lengths to which people go to cheat others amazes is sad. We didn't cash the check obviously when they tried this year ago, it is just odd that their tactics don't change over the years. 


  1. Hahaha that's pretty funny. Yeah, there's too much spamming on craigslist

  2. hahha dude, i guess it was a good thing i put your email instead of mine! hahah sorry about that!

  3. and by the totally do not remember the scam...they send you a check for like 5k more than what you ask...and they said that it was a mistake for you to send them that extra money with your account....and then people who are naive deposit that false check and send them the extra money from their check account and the false check bounces and you are screwed......but yeah...

  4. Oh yeah, it's been years, so I was off on how the scam worked lol
