Monday, June 6, 2011

Sometimes you work a 12 hour shift...

So my post from yesterday was made this morning because of this:

Red "b" is bad! haha
The real tragedy is I missed the Mexico game! :( And today and tomorrow, I have to work from 11am to 11pm our time. But it is for a good reason! I am taking 2 half days this week. So I get out at 3pm on Wednesday and Thursday because we are going to these:


Richard Dawkins 4tw!!
So yeah, 2 awesome reasons to work long shifts. I also have to work 2 more hours on Friday, but like I said, it's alright! We got trains, babysitter, and work all sorted out. So I am really looking forward to that!! EPIC!

And I will close with these picture of Sophie and the lady bug she found today in our yard: