Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sometimes people shove stuff into your house...

Apparently, that is the way it works here in England. There are no mailboxes. Just holes in your door.

This is what it looks like on the outside. And the problem with this method, is that the mail people are not the only ones to use this. Restaurants and other spammers will shove their restaurant menus and various useless pieces of paper into your house haha

So sometimes you see your door and it looks like this....not a big deal, just something I am not used to. 


  1. Lol, over here they shove them through the side crack of your door

  2. And how do they deliver bigger packages like box/piƱata you got the other day? Hopefully not like these guys:

  3. LOL that was awesome. And I totally felt like UPS did that when we were in Milwaukee! Here, they knock. If you don't open right away, they leave you a note that says "HAHA you missed your package!"

  4. You should of watched the Harry Potter movies before you left! You would already know all this xD hahaha

  5. @Baudy - lol they talk about the mail in harry potter?

  6. It's how they get their letter from Hogwarts telling them they've been accepted xD and the owls drop it in the little hole on the doors(:
