Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sometimes you take 20+ minutes to take a picture...

I have always seemed fascinated with fire. Not to a dangerous level, I am also not a very dangerous guy. But it does amaze me. We had to get a lighter because the pilot light went out on the stove, and now we need it to turn on the "mechas" haha. So I got the idea to take a picture of the lighter in a dark room. And the "set-up" and getting it how I pictured it took me about 20 minutes...I will try not to bore you with it, but I could not hold the camera and the lighter at the same time. So I set the camera on top of a couple of books, set the timer to take the picture, used manual focus to find the closes I could get to the lighter and still be in focus(cameras, like our eyes, have a minimum focusing distance, any closer and the image will be out of focus). I used a cereal box to get the distance, the replaced it with my hand and the lighter to take the shot. After some trials and different exposure settings, this was the result:

Manual exposure, 1/25sec, ISO 800, f/5.6, the kit lens at 55mm, manual focus
I really enjoyed it. I kept wishing I could get closer to the lighter, so I can't wait to get our macro lens! Macro lenses are for getting really close to your subject(not the same as being able to zoom a lot), most macro lenses are primes, so you can't even zoom on them, but you can get really close and they "magnify" the image.

I promised Sophie some hash browns last night, for breakfast this morning, but we were out of potatoes, so I had to run for some potatoes in the morning(literally). This is a shot of one of the streets on the way to the produce market:

And Colchester has had some really gorgeous skies lately...very photogenic clouds:

Deep blue sky, although partly due to the polarizing filter :) more on that in another post!


  1. Woooooooah, that picture is beautiful! Seriously, amazing job! Fire is pretty awesome! It's so.. mysterious? idk lol

  2. hahha fire is cool, but from afar....

  3. Nice sky, I'd like to have it like that here :P

  4. @Mari - Thanks! :D
    @Geli - it is!
    @Luis - Thanks! And I remember some awesome sunsets over there, so the sky is pretty cool there too.
