Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sometimes you play video games...

with a 4 year old. Sophie likes it. I benefited from Sony getting hacked! We had zero games for the PS3. We just got it as a bluray player, since initially when we got it, it was the cheapest upgradeable bluray player. But free games, why not?!

So from the list, we picked Little Big Planet and Dead Nation. Little Big Planet was a no-brainer. We kinda already wanted it. And we thought Sophie would like it.

So Dead Nation. It is a shoot-em-up. Kinda fun. Simple. Shoot the zombies in a classic shoot-em-up style, so not a first person shooter. I liked it! Already passed it lol so it was short! So I am passing it with the other character now(the girl), but it looks to be exactly the same. Sophie calls it "monsters", and she doesn't like it when I play it. 

She prefers Little Big Planet. She calls it "monito". "Daddy, I want to play monito a lot!". I made her a stage where she can walk around in, but it is still a work in progress, it takes a while to make these things! There are 2 playing modes. I play and she tells me how to dress the sack person, or she plays and I try to help her not die(or just let her walk around the safe stage I made her). The game is pretty hard! I could not get 100% on ANY stage(except the training 1st stage lol)!!! So yeah...

I kind of hate that I am playing video games again lol I like it, which is why I can't stop, but then I hate how much time I just "wasted" when there is so much to do around the house, or when I could have read instead! 


  1. Time spent in something you enjoy I don't consider wasted time. That's why I will never stop playing video games, I enjoy it :)

  2. Yeah i'm with Sergio. If you enjoy it then why would it be considered a waste? But yeah, I got Dead Nation too! I haven't even played it yet though lol

  3. Well, you're right in the sense that fun =/= waste. BUT, there is definitely more "productive" things I could do...

  4. Well, there always are more productive things to do, but you also need some time just to enjoy yourself. You don't stop doing stuff just because there's something more productive you could be doing, as long as you don't stop doing it altogether, if that were the case, you wouldn't spend lots of time editing/processing pictures you took. You have to even everything out. Of course, excess is never good.
