Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sometimes protesters and babysitters make you miss your train...

Today was a one of a kind day that unless I get dementia or some other brain disease, I will remember until the day I die. yesterday we missed our train to London because the sitter was supposed to be at our house at 4pm and got there at 4:25, our train left at 4:30, so we missed it and we found out that is an expensive thing to miss. Today, we missed the train back from London because protesters were sabotaging the event and not letting it start!! I don't have time to elaborate at the moment, and I think Geli is already doing that in her blog. But suffice it to say that I have pics and videos to share of this, and you will get all the juicy details.

I will leave you with these time lapse videos taken by a farmer in South Dakota. They are assembled from hundreds of images taken in a time lapse...with the camera in motion on a dolley. The effect is mezmerizing...

You get the feeling of walking about the rural landscape as the whole night passes before you in a matter of seconds. I should reserve words like awesome and amazing for things such as this, because these truly are awesome! (oh, and the music is pretty cool too! But he didn't make that)

Once again, the natural world and human creativity astound me....


  1. must go to mom's computer! mine has no speakers! :p

  2. i love time lapse videos :) and yesterday was crazy, awesome :D

  3. That kind of videos always amaze me. So awesome, and the slow motion videos too :P

  4. Yup, pretty cool vids, I had already seen one of those, but enjoyed it again just the same :)

  5. I really love that Milky way one. But they're all so amazing!
