Monday, June 6, 2011

Sometimes you just have to make tiny pancakes...

Now that the internet is back up, I can finish my post. I set an alarm to wake up and watch the mexico vs. el salvador game, and I get up, and at first it is crawling!! So slow that the stream pauses like every 5 seconds, for about 5 seconds. I tried like 5 different streams, and they were all about the same, so it was my connection...then, after like 20-25 minutes of struggling to try to watch the game, it went completely out. So I decided to just forget it and go to bed, again.

What I was initially going to write about was our "tiny pancakes", as Sophie calls them. They are swedish pancakes. Very small, no baking powder, and much thinner. Also, they put different things on them, like cream, fruit, or just a bit of sugar. We make a lot, so we can have the leftovers the next day! Yum!

Stacks of vegan swedish pancakes!
Then Geli had an idea, let's make a strawberry syrup. So I did, I kinda just winged it. Sliced some strawberries, added some apple juice, a tad of corn starch(so it would thicken), and a little sugar. Cook a little bit, and we have our very own schunky strawberry syrup!

The final product! With a side of veggie sausages! Bam!

When we went grocery shopping, Sophie found a lady bug right outside our house. She was thoroughly amazed! "Daddy, it is walking on my hand!", "Look at the lady bug!"...she loved it! Then about halfway to the store, we had her leave it at some plants. And she did....

After that, we made some awesome mushroom burgers on ciabatta bread with a side of raw carrot sticks and bell peppers with ranch! It was fantastic!


  1. Swedish pancakes are awesome! :) and that dinner was awesome too! man, we eat high quality food! :D

  2. A few years ago I tried to make some poffertjes (Dutch pancakes) but I didn't had a pan that is need to give them the form they should be, so I made them like small pancakes.
    This is the pan that I needed:

  3. @Luis - nice! That sounds interesting! Crazy pan!! haha

  4. I think you should hand over the recipes, they look delicious! :)

  5. @Mari - The recipe is simple :)
    1 cup flour
    2 cups soy milk
    1 tablespoon sugar
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1-2 vegan "eggs"(1 "egg" = 1 tablesppon ground flax seed + 2-3 Tablespoons warm water, mix and let sit until gooey)

    Mix dry ingredients, add milk and "egg". Mix it all, then add one table spoon at a time to buttered/oiled pan, like pancakes. But since little, you can do like 3-4 at a time, depending on the size of your pan. Then serve, and sprinkle some sugar on top, or jam, or vegan cream + sugar, or fresh fruit, or whatever almost! Bam!

  6. @Mari- and you can use almost any flour. We usually do half whole wheat, half white flour. But you can do either, I even used rye flour once.
