Monday, June 13, 2011

Sometimes you get small beer shaped candy in the mail...

Today I received this:

And inside was this:

And here is the beer candy I was referring to(subliminal message anyone?):

And there was also a father's day card inside for me, from my parents and Baudy :) I still feel weird that technically that holiday is mine to celebrate...I mean, you would think after 4 years of being a "father" I would get the hang of it. But I still don't see myself as a dad. Like my dad is a dad lol I am sure that isn't making sense, so I will stop there...


  1. LOL, when I read the title I thought of that candy, have been ages since I had one of those.

  2. While I'm not a dad myself, I understand what you mean

  3. I understand completely cause you know im not a mom....but sophie keeps calling me i am.....but im really not....hahha

  4. Ooooooooo it's like a piƱata in a box!

  5. lol yes we thought that exactly as we packed it xD pinata in a box xD totally hahahaha
