Monday, December 19, 2011

Sometimes you are excited...

...because your brother is coming in tomorrow!!! Haven't seen him in over a year! He comes in tomorrow afternoon! w000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000t!!!!!!!!

Paco ftw!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sometimes your weekend is over...

...and it sucks. It flew by. Had fun though. And now, Tuesday!! Paco gets here! w00t!!

And my blog has been looking plain lately, so here is a pic of the Atomium in Brussels, Belgium!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sometimes it is Geli's birthday...

...and so I/we will bake her a cake tomorrow :) And spend the day with her in Juarez. Today we went to a show, then to a taco stand(vegan tofu tacos ftw!), and to a SoundOnSound show. Also to village inn(fries w/tabasco ftw!). Now, to sleep!

Also, here is what a pomelo looks like on the inside:

It was delicious! It tasted like a grapefruit, but way less bitter/sour, more mild and sweet.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sometimes you watch a movie...

...the terminal. Also had coffee and played lots of Uno,. Not a good combination when you work in about 5 hours....

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sometimes you put up a tree..

...a gift day tree. And surprisingly, you like it. I thought I would never want a tree in our house. But Sophie had been asking to put up the tree, so we finally did. And I liked putting it up with her. So yeah, I might be cool with having a tree. Lots of time till we have a house though, so I guess that will have to wait.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sometimes you lose your USB drive... the house. It should be somewhere, but I don't know where it is. I thought I left it attached to the new computer. Apparently not. I had some pics I was gonna post here and talk about, so instead, here you go:

Dusk at our old apartment in Colchester...kinda miss it sometimes.

Also, here is corn flakes:


At least that is what I named this rooster at the Mistley Animal Sanctuary(in the UK). Doesn't he remind you of the corn flakes rooster?

Sometimes you have fun....

...and it is awesome :)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Sometimes you go to jazz night... the tap. And it is awesome. They even played Radiohead for you, kind of. We made Chris go ask them. But they played it. Fun night. And now, not enough sleep...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sometimes you process gig photos...

...and you are happy with the result. That little f/1.8 lens was worth every penny. For being the first time I try shooting a live band, I think they came out alright. These are all pics of SoundOnSound playing at the Low Brow.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sometimes you are sick...

...but I knew I would get sick. Everyone around me was sick, so it was only a matter of time till my body succumbed. I feel the usual cold symptoms, so yeah, it is only a matter of time till I feel better too. It was great that I didn't work today. I rested and slept during the day too. Then we ate, watched Benjamin Button, and now time to sleep again. Work again tomorrow...

Sometimes you go to a show...

...and it is awesome. Although  you almost die on the way there, and back. What the heck is u p with the snow?!?!?!?!

We saw SoundOnSound(Pablo's band), and they were awesome! Then a country band from houston played, and then another local band.

Also, I don't work tomorrow! w00t!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sometimes you almost do almost nothing...

...and it feels weird. I did do some stuff, but it still feels like I didn't do as much as we usually do on our hectic Sundays.

  • I worked till 4pm.
  • Played some weird cranium game with Mari and Geli. 
  • Played some Dead Nation
  • Watched American Beauty

I didn't:

  • go to food not bombs :( 
  • Leave the house
  • See my parents
  • Go to Geli's abelito's house.

So yeah, an odd Sunday.

Sometimes you play Risk...

...and it is fun. The Lord of the Rings version. I had never played it before. And it was a lot of prepping, and reading. Not a simple game! lol I played with Baudy. It was cool, but I bet you we were not following all the rules correctly, there are tons!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sometimes you go to a party....

...and it is cool. Although some people might differ on that. Yeah...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sometimes you buy a fisheye...

...and you can't wait to get it!! I mean a lens of course. This one will be awesome, and totally unexpected purchase. Geli and I were gonna gift ourselves a zoom lens for gift day. So she was looking around for it. And in the process found a wide angle fish eye lens at a decent price!

We had a wide angle on our lens wish list, but the sigma 10-20mm wide angle lens is almost twice as much as this one, so it was on our "to get much later" list. This one is cheap because it is a prime lens(no zoom) and everything is manual, which some people would hate; but we're willing to deal with manual focus and aperture to save half the price on it(and get it sooner!). I can't wait until it gets here! w00t! Then, I will post tons of pics at 8mm!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sometimes you work the weekend...

....and it is not cool. But I had a whole year of weekends off(in England), and now I guess I am back in the rotation. I work this weekend. So I have thursday(tomorrow) and next tuesday off. I will miss my weekend. I foresee very little sleep, since I will have to be up early for work. But caffeine to the rescue!! lol

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sometimes you are bound to get sick...

...everyone around you is sick. So you know you are next. Mari, Geli, and Sophie are all coming down with a cold. Is there any chance I won't?

We shall see!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Sometimes you see the stars...

...and it blows your mind. We were in Austin this weekend, and on the road on the way back, my mind was blown. I don't know why it takes so long for me to get under the stars again. I love it. I don't want to leave. I could literally stay out all night, just looking up.

It wasn't all stars though, this dazzling planetary sight made me stop at a rest stop:

Crescent moon, and Venus. I don't think there is anything more amazing about the sunset than venus impatiently peeking through before the sun is even done leaving.

How is this not beautiful? Venus is a dazzling sight...

Can you tell we were at a rest stop?

Orion was just rising when we stopped the second time. This time, it was to view the mind blowing Milky Way, our very own galaxy. Although in this pic, the light trails from the highway and Orion(lower left) just above it are the attractions.

The Milky is mind blowing to think how far these stars all are, and that each one of them is a "sun" just very very very far away. And then realize that this is all just one galaxy, amongst billions and billions.

And perhaps my favorite pic of the night...just wow. I love the night sky.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sometimes you have a vegan thanksgiving dinner..

..and it goes very well. Everyone liked it, including non-vegans! Stuffed seitan roll + mashed potatoes + pasta + stuffing + gravy + dinner rolls + salad + pumpkin cheesecake + apple crumble pie + pecan pie + creamy fruit salad = awesomeness!!

Pics to come, can't process and upload right now since we have a road trip to austin early tomorrow morning

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sometimes you get called an ass... a client. And it was totally uncalled for. I was not even mean to her. This client emailed us, and it looked like this:

To: Help
Subject: Payroll doesn't work!!!!!!!!!


So I called back. They had an attitude to begin with "Took you long enough to call me!" she said. I asked for more information, since well, the email had none. Apparently, this user expected me to not only know what the issue was, but already have it fixed by the time I called, so my probing for information bothered her. After shadowing, it turned out to be that they had signed off on the pay period they were trying to edit. They did this(accidentally, I am sure), and you cannot edit a closed time card. So I let her know why she couldn't edit it, and she proceeded to say that I was telling her "how to do her job" and that I was being an "ass". I promise I wasn't, but apparently, being showed that she made a mistake was too much for her. She then said I was wrong, and when I showed her where her username, date and time of sign off were, she was not pleased to say the least. She accused me of saying she was a liar. She then asked me for my name, and when I told her, she didn't believe me. How can anyone's name be "Jesus", and "what kind of name is that?" she said. So I showed her how to remove the approval, and she was now able to edit her timecards.

And after all that, she had the audacity to call back, ask for a supervisor, and complain about me. She was being totally unprofessional(calling me an ass and making fun of my name do not exactly fall under acceptable workplace behavior), and then called to complain about me fixing her problem...unbelievable.

So yeah, another day at the help desk.  But at least a 4 day weekend!!! w00t!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sometimes there are no words... describe the awesomeness of the APOD. So here it is:

Today, I just worked, then Alex came, so we played some N64 Perfect Dark!!! And we did much better without Mari, she was holding us back in the multi-player challenges!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sometimes you find a giant lime.... the grocery store! Well, not a lime at all, but that is what it looks like to me. It is a Pomelo!!! The largest citrus fruit in the world!

Lime, Orange, Pomelo!
We haven't eaten it yet, but when we do, I will update you on how it tasted.

And we also found something that was totally unexpected, and super awesome...Honeycrisp apples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had no idea they sold them here in El Paso, but I found them at Sprouts in the west side!

They don't look like much,just normal looking apples. But they are the best apples ever! No contest, these apples have the perfect combination of crisp, sweet, tart, and sweetness. No other apple even comes close. We discovered these in Milwaukee, and all other apples suck now because of these. I will buy more as soon as I can, cuz seriously, these are awesome. I know it is hard to imagine so much excitement about an apple, but you just have to try these, they are the best apples ever, by far!

Sometimes you watch sideways...

..and it makes me want to get into wine. It just seems like there is this whole experience with all sorts of scents, colors, and tastes that I am missing out on. But then I try some wine, and I don't really like it. I see people that are so into it, that I can't help but wonder if I am just doing it wrong lol

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sometimes you eat too much... a stranger's house. Bad manners, I know. But all the food was vegan! And it included tamales de rojo, verge, y rajas! As well as some buñuelo kind of things with sugar, cinnamon, cream, and berries. Some tostadas with avocado sour cream dip, I mean yeah...tons of awesome vegan food. Later, there was a party that made me realize I am getting old. And then Kevo's and Katherine's house where we just YouTube'd the night away...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sometimes you go to a birthday party...

...for kids. And it is complicated, as a vegan. Geli made Sophie some vegan pizza and a cupcake to take. I am gonna hate birthday parties if I have to do this every time, which, of course we do...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Sometimes people confuse you ...

...for a professional soccer player. I don't see how. But I was jogging today at lunch, and a guy on a bike stopped me and asked me if I played for the Indios(I was wearing the practice jersey). I of course told him I didn't, and he said I looked just like one of the player. He turned out to be our neighbor. We're supposed to play together sometime now...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sometimes you run...

...with Geli, again. This time Sophie went with us. So we walked to the park, and took turns watching her play and jogging. So as a result, since there was breaks, we jogged more than usual. We will pay with exercise currency tomorrow(also known as soreness)....

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sometimes you jog with Geli...

..and it is cool :) I had never really done that, outside. Started slow, but it was her first day. Soon we'll pick up the pace.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sometimes you watch In Bruges...

...and it is great. I really like that movie. And it is different having been there already, and recognizing the landmarks and what not. And I know this is really late, but no one is reading these anyway, so I just wanted to say that this makes me realize how much congress sucks, and that I live in a bubble:
Seriously...only 9 sane people in congress?! **sigh**

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sometimes you occupy...

without a permit. I was hoping to partake in some civil disobedience. But they were only going to issue tickets, so I didn't think that would be a loud enough statement. And not till 1am. So I didn't stick around for that...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sometimes you go to the movies...

...with just Geli, and it is awesome :) Hadn't done that in a while. After that we had some hot chocolate, and watched the rest of freakanomics.

Also, this video is just too awesome. Carl Sagan ftw!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sometimes you eat grapefruit...

...and are surprised to enjoy it. I usually don't like it. But this one was tasty. Also, got attacked on facebok:

I didn't even know there could be that many notifications(i thought it stopped at 99). And also, saw this and sadly, it is true. Appropriate on Carl Sagan day.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sometimes you go to UTEP... watch a documentary. I expected it to be in some classroom with a projector on a white wall or something like that. And these guys have a cinema at the union!! The only thing missing was the popcorn. It was a documentary called "This is what democracy looks like". It was pretty cool, interesting for sure. Just kinda saddened me that the corps, the people at the top, always win...this was in 1999. A global movement, very similar to the occupy movement, against globalization, greed, exporting of jobs, for worker rights, against the World Trade Organization...and well, we can see how much that slowed down globalization and corporate greed...

I really hope this movement is better, more effective. Because yeah...that last one didn't work.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sometimes you start jogging...

...even if just for a little bit. Since it doesn't look like we're gonna get a gym membership(lenses > gym), I need to start doing some regular exercise. I have been completely inactive since coming to EP(minus the occasional futbol match, which only serves to show how out of shape I am), and I need to start doing some exercise regularly. So I went for a quick jog(about 10 minutes lol), just to get started. I need to get in this habit.

I also want to say congrats to Geli for getting her masters! With distiction! w00t!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sometimes plans go awry...

...and it stresses me out. My parents had told me this week that they would be in Juarez on Sunday. Well they decided not to go, but didn't tell me. So I totally didn't plan on going over to their place. And we move slow in the mornings, very very slow. So not planning it, and then realizing I had to go visit threw the whole day off. So I ended up just going over to their house to hang out, then to Occupy EP. I totally didn't go to Food not Bombs today...not cool.

Sometimes you protest...

..the banks. Then you go to Occupy EP. Then you head home, eat, then go to Juarez. No futbol this time, it was tragic. But there was poker, so that was cool. No line at the bridge, mega cool! Now, home.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sometimes you play poker at Denny's...

..and it is fun. Geli, Mari, Chris, and I played there for a bit. An odd place to play, we know. People, employees, all seemed surprised. But do we care? No. We wanted fries with ketchup and tabasco and some poker. So we had both....

Friday, November 4, 2011

Sometimes you have some coffee...

...and apparently, it changes me. I do feel more energetic, and talkative. But apparently there's more to it than that. I only have coffee a couple times a week usually, and just to wake me up. So it does alter my energy level significantly. But I didn't think it was a big change in the way I am...but it is according to Geli and Mari.

Also, apparently, I am grouchy :( Although apparently coffee takes that away? So I guess that is good.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sometimes you are overwhelmed... work. It was brutal today. 3 of us in my team, 1 had the day off, the other had to leave early, so for the last half of the day or so, I was alone. Apparently, it is too much work for just one person. I seriously could not keep up. I was barely closing one or two issues, and there was already 4 more assigned to the financial queue...I totally didn't get to "finish"(as if there was such a thing). I just had time to hit the urgent issues, and "high" priority ones. It was intense...

But after work, went to Occupy EP since Geli and Mari took the bus there to go to the march. Then we caught part of the General Assembly meeting at occupy, then went to go feed the migrant workers, then home, and watched a movie.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sometimes you want some champurrado...

...even though you always rejected it as a kid. I remember the adults would always have it, and there was always a cart selling it outside of my school in Juarez. I never wanted any. It looked gross. I don't even know what it will taste like. But I really want some now. Not all of it is vegan, so I will need to make some this "winter". I am looking forward to it.

This is because at the occupation today, the Red Fronteriza de Derechos Humanos marched to the Plaza and joined us there. And there was champurrado and pan de muerto for everyone there. I didn't have any, but I wanted some. So I will veganize this and have some soon!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Sometimes you eat flautas... papa, and they are delicious! Also, we didn't go to occupy today, not acceptable. We will be back tomorrow. And as usual, I will be pulling a Sergio and stopping here lol

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sometimes you eat vietnamese food...

....and it is delicious! It was really really good. We had lemongrass tofu, a curry, and clay pot tofu. All delicious! Had a long weekend, so good night!

Sometimes you eat ramen at 3am...

...and it is brilliant! We just got home from a costume party, at which Geli, Mari, and I were Guy Fawkes. Pics coming. We were anonymous :) So yeah, very little sleep, so I gotta go.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Sometimes you invade Mari's date...

...we had a vague plan tonight. We wanted to just go grocery shopping, drop off the stuff at Occupy EP, then pick up Darth Irae, and drop him off. Then head home. We ended up doing all that, but instead of heading home, we went with Mari to hang out with Gabe. Which would be cool, except then I end up doing all the talking, and she just sits there. So maybe we shouldn't go on her "dates"?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sometimes you can't look away...

..from the night sky. I really missed it. A year in England, and there was hardly any clear nights. Cloudy most of the time. But here, a clear night is the norm. It is beautiful. I really wish I still had my telescope.
This is Orion :) Majestic!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Sometimes work is insane...

...and it is draining. Check it out:

That is a typical Monday at the desk. And it is over, so it can only get easier from here. Mondays are the craziest days. Also, we finished watching Louie :( So now we have to watch "Mari" or some other show.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sometimes you serve food... the migrant center, with Food Not Bombs. And then at the shelter. It was pretty cool, I like doing that. I will do my best to help them every week at least. In the morning with went with Geli and Mari's grandpa, then my parents, and we left Sophie there. Then we went to Food Not Bombs and hung out with them. Then to Server the food. Then to Occupy EP for a bit. Then we didn't go play poker.

And now it seems as though I will actually get 8 hours of sleep! w00t! I saw this picture, and really liked it:

Sometimes you get beat up...

..while playing futbol...seriously, we just got home and everything hurts. I got a big bump on my shin, and most of my muscles ache. But it was fun as hell! And surprisingly, we played for a long time!(like an hour and a half!).

Again! Again! Again!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sometimes you get 2 CDs in the mail...

...finally! Got the new Opeth CD, and the new Steve Wilson CD :D Both, so far, really really good. I listened to them while I worked, a little bit in the car, and also right now, as I write this. I like them both.

Also, this is my entry for the directory at work:

You can laugh now...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sometimes you watch Louie...

...finally! Bought it over a week ago, and between work, protests, grocery shopping, etc. we have had it there and not watched it. Until today. And I started with the 2nd disc by accident too. So yeah, sometimes you need a little TV time.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sometimes you play futbol...

...while you occupy El Paso lol. Unexpected, but welcome. I got p0wned...but it was fun. Also, call me naive, but I thought the seleccion was going vegetarian(due to contaminated meat, not ethics), but yeah, here is the whole "ya no comemos carne" which doesn't mean that at all:

How are pollo and pescado not carne?! And really? protein? can't get it anywhere else? You know there is something wrong with the way you "grow" meat it if causes everyone that eats it to fail doping tests...sigh. Anyway, not even sure why I talk about this...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sometimes you occupy El Paso again...

...even if only for a few hours. Less people today(but more tents?), not good. But I saw my friend Lucy for a little bit, so that was cool. Other than that, just worked. Also, the chile colorado for dinner was awesome!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sometimes you Occupy El Paso...

..and it is pretty cool. Kinda sad that there is not more people. I tried counting, and there was about 70 people there or so. But I hope it grows. We hung out with some cool and interesting people. Ate some delicious vegan food. Sophie found a friend, and some dogs to play with. All in all a great night. We won't be spending the night there, but maybe on the weekend, we will.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sometimes you are very very tired...

...this weekend was mega hectic. I need sleep. <8 hrs now :( good night.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sometimes you only sleep 2 hours...

...and then you go cook food at 6am, then to a press conference, then a protest, then serve food, then protest some more, then coffee, then wait at a park for a couple hours, then make more food, then go to east side to see baudy play, then eat at my parents, then to pick up sophie by central, then to drop her off in the north east, then energy drinks, and now, lets see what else the night has in store for us :)

Sometimes you eat chinese...

...after work. Then you go buy tortillas. Go to a guy's house and make burros. Wrap them. And it was the wrong burro making session. Then you eat cinnamon rolls, drink coffee, and play apples to apples. Then you watch a Louis C. K. special. Then you go to wake up two hours later, to make more burros. Good night!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Sometimes you have an awesome day...

...Work was not difficult today. Coffee, bread, smoothie in the morning. Lunch was delicious. Brilliant dinner. I finished work on time. There was special cinnamon roles made, we went to an Occupy El Paso meeting, which was tense and ran long, but it was still interesting(getting people to agree on things is hard!!). Saw Sal at the meeting, whom I hadn't seen in at least  a year. We went for a very needed drink afterwards.  We watched an incredibly talented Jazz band play. A very very cool day. And a thursday too. Loved it. Pics, later!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sometimes you play tennis...

...with Geli, and it is fun. I mean, we both suck really bad, but it was still fun. Mari no sirve, she had homework. I can tell Baudy doesn't enjoy it(she refuses to move), Gustavo wanted to watch the baseball game, and Martha got hurt. So nobody wanted to go, but we still went, and enjoyed it.

On an unrelated quick note, the change to El Paso/Juarez weather is very very obvious. We never saw this in England, or Wisconsin:
3 clear sunny days in a row...nice.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sometimes you process pics...

...and it is aweasome. Since we had no reliable monitor, it had to wait until Geli got her laptop. She finally did, and we processed all the pics we took since we got here to El Paso. Here are a few :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sometimes you need 2 monitors...

...I had to leave the 2nd monitor I used for work in Colchester. I had to work with just the laptop monitor today. Not fun. I will have to work tomorrow with just one also. Not looking forward to it. I need to hurry up and get one.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sometimes you play dominoes....

...and it is fun! We played with Baudy and my parents at their house. I really liked it! We couldn't play for very long because we were on our way to Kevin and Katherine's house, but I know I want to play that again with them.

This week off evaporated, but I had a lot of fun, and spent some much needed time with family. Back to work in less than 7 hours...yikes.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Sometimes you go for a drink....

...finally. And it was fun. We went out for drinks with Mari, Olac, Roy, and Scott. We had fun. A few beers, some interesting conversations, and a failed attempt at finding the vegan tacos and pizza. Before that, there was some Apples to Apples with Brenda, Steven, Mari, and Chris at a park by the mountain.

Awesome day! :D

Tomorrow shall bring some hiking, chinese food, Occupy El Paso, and Valencia cousins. Should be great as well!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sometimes monitors don't agree...

...and it is puzzling. I had noticed this on my work laptop and the monitor I had in Colchester. The Dell external monitor looked ok, but it made my work laptop seem dull, flat, hazy. So I always processed the pictures on the external monitor. I didn't think much of it, they just looked better there. I just thought the laptop display was weak, it is a lenovo work laptop, nothing fancy.

But today, we figured we would try to process the pics we have taken so far since we got here. I downloaded the updater software executables from canon, I even hacked the registry on Martha's laptop to install the software. And then, it started bothering me, that pictures looked different on different areas of the screen. So I hooked it up to Mari's HDTV, as an external monitor, and the difference was too much. Similar to the issue with my work laptop and the external monitor, but even more pronounced. The pics processed on the laptop screen, looked bad on the monitor, and yeah. I am at a loss. How can I know what the "standard" is? What monitor is the standard for how things should look? Until I figure that out, it will bug the hell out of me! Now, I don't even know if the way I see the pictures, is how everyone sees them!!! AHHH!!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sometimes you go to the movies...

...and it is awesome!! We hadn't gone(to a non-children's movie) in well over a year! It was neat, I missed the movies. We watched 50/50 and it was intense. I went with Geli, Mari and Baudy :) We also played apples to apples, and then played tennis after the movie. Awesome day!

Sometimes you can't get the part you need...

...for the tripod. So I have this really cool tripod that I can't use. Apparently, finding the quick release plate adapter for an old tripod is not easy at all :( I hope I can find it soon though!

Also, coffee!!! And not working is pretty cool. I think I want to do that full time...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sometimes you get a good tripod for free...

...from your parents. It was from an ancient camcorder from the 80's they used to have and for some reason, still had the tripod. It is just missing a small quick release plate adapter so I can hook up the camera to it, and bam! panoramics galore!

Tomorrow we have some things to do, but I want to see if I can find a camera shop in El Paso, does such a thing even exist?

Friday, September 30, 2011

Sometimes you are at the airport....

...all day. Well, more than a day actually. Various airports, planes, terminals, in 3 countries. Right now, we are waiting in Chicago for our flight to El Paso.

We left the house at 2am Colchester time, and we are scheduled to get to El Paso at midnight Mountain Time. So that is a total of 29 hours that went something like this: Taxi to Colchester bus station(10 mins) > Coach to London Heathrow Airport(about 2.5 hours) > Baggage Check in, Passport check, Security(2 hours), Plane to Madrid(2 hours) > Passport Check, Security(1hr), Plane to Chicago(9hrs) > Passport Check, Pick up baggage again, go through customs, go through US security(the most intensive!), wait for El Paso plane(8 hours) > Plane to El Paso(3 hours)*...

*times are approximate so yeah....we will be relieved to finally get there!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sometimes you take a mini tour of the world... get to your destination. We start in Colchester:

Take a coach to London:

Then a plane to Madrid:

Then switch planes to get to Chicago:

Wait in Chicago 8 hours, to then get on a plane to El Paso:

Because we miss you all THAT much! lol On serious note, it would be nice to see more than just the insides of planes and airports on the way. But whatever :) See you all soon!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sometimes you clean...

...and then work 4 hours. During your lunch, go to library to print coach tickets to airport, sell TV, donate some stuff to the charity shop. Then work 4 more hours. And then clean some more.

Not our actual cleaning products, or floor. So yeah, not our pic.
Eat some cupcakes. Continue cleaning. Almost done. Must least we can see the finish line. It looks like the most successful house evacuation so far. So unless tragedy strikes, this shouldn't be so bad.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sometimes you see the seven sisters...

...the Pleiades I mean. Check them out:

They don't look this awesome through binoculars, but it is still a majestic sight!

Tonight is a very clear night, which is rare here in England. Usually, it is cloudy. And I got some nice views of Jupiter and of the Pleiades, with my binoculars, which was awesome. I showed them to Geli too. This was in the "garden" at the house.

And well, other than that, I just worked again, I can't say I missed it. And also cleaned the house most of the time I wasn't working. So it was really really cool to see Jupiter and the Pleiades before calling it a night :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sometimes you are in Ghent...

...Random decision almost. But I am really glad we decided to take a train to Ghent, cuz it was incredibly impressive!! And now, 1 more day to see the rest of Brussels! w00t!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sometimes you are in Bruges...

and it is awesome!!! It truly is a fairy tale town! I am also extremely tired, so that is all. Good night!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sometimes you are in Belgium...

We can't talk to anybody, it sucks. And we just freeze when somebody talks to us. We must look so ridiculous! It's been a crazy day! Other than the language barrier and a pee incident, it has been brilliant! I'm dead and we are going to Bruges tomorrow, so good night!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sometimes there is chaos at the house...

...because we're trying to move out of the country. And there's a trip to Belgium right in the middle of that. Yeah, awesome planning huh?! Either of those is hectic on it's own. So we decided to kick it up a notch, and do both in the same week.

I still find this flyer incredibly amusing. So here is another page:

For $2500 you can get an 810MB Hard Drive, a whopping 8MB RAM, AND a brutal 11" Display!!

And also, I know these news companies have a whole library of images at their disposal. So I think someone hates Torrado. Choosing this pic for this article was totally uncalled for(but funny!):

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sometimes old storeflyers are like time capsules...

...check out this flyer from September 1996!

Isn't it awesome?! And hilarious?!

16 MB RAM!
For just 2 grand!! hahaha

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sometimes you sign things in MS Paint...

..and it looks the same as your real signature. Apparently my handwriting is so bad, that I can sign things just as well with a mouse in MS paint.

That is exactly what my actual signature looks like! haha I had to sign some paperwork for the HR department, since I am being re-hired at work. And I didn't want to print, sign, and scan so I could send it back. So I decided to take screenshots of the documents, then "sign" them in paint, print to the CutePDF writer, and send them the worked. I also took a picture of a check(since we don't have a scanner), and wrote "VOID" on it in paint, since they needed a copy of a voided check for the direct yeah, weird work around, but no paper was wasted and I didn't have to go to the library! w00t!

And I leave you with a black and white version of a picture I took in Bath. It was a mall....