Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sometimes there is chaos at the house...

...because we're trying to move out of the country. And there's a trip to Belgium right in the middle of that. Yeah, awesome planning huh?! Either of those is hectic on it's own. So we decided to kick it up a notch, and do both in the same week.

I still find this flyer incredibly amusing. So here is another page:

For $2500 you can get an 810MB Hard Drive, a whopping 8MB RAM, AND a brutal 11" Display!!

And also, I know these news companies have a whole library of images at their disposal. So I think someone hates Torrado. Choosing this pic for this article was totally uncalled for(but funny!):


  1. ah too funny xD
    those fliers look like my computer, whom i've named Dinosaur.

  2. Wow, lol. It's insane how much things have changed in so little time.

  3. Those prices were insane, lol. I'd like to know if those were the normal computers or the awesome ones back in the day :P
