Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sometimes you see the seven sisters...

...the Pleiades I mean. Check them out:

They don't look this awesome through binoculars, but it is still a majestic sight!

Tonight is a very clear night, which is rare here in England. Usually, it is cloudy. And I got some nice views of Jupiter and of the Pleiades, with my binoculars, which was awesome. I showed them to Geli too. This was in the "garden" at the house.

And well, other than that, I just worked again, I can't say I missed it. And also cleaned the house most of the time I wasn't working. So it was really really cool to see Jupiter and the Pleiades before calling it a night :)


  1. yeah, that was cool...not the cleaning, the stars/planet!

  2. That's awesome! Ahh, stargazing when you guys come back!!

  3. that's awesome! :b i like to blast music when i play. which makes mom go "lower the volume" and i proceed to close the door xD

  4. Amazing image, I would like to see them D:

  5. @Luis - I will take the binoculars to juarez, and hopefully it is a clear night and I can point them out to you all(if we see you).
