Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sometimes the old people have to pay...

...full price for their buses and trains. It seems conservatives are the same just about everywhere. They're taking away the half price discount that over 60's and disabled people have here in the yeah, same rhetoric as in the US. Take away from the most vulnerable, because they see them as free-loaders, as pests, as a nuisance, that needs to be removed from the budget at the first opportunity...let the market sort them out. They're not our responsibility...

I would love to hear a good reason why the UK can't afford the half price fares for over 60's, but they can continue to have troops fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan(and even Lybia, I think). Priorities, priorities, priorities....I guess if you are over 60, and in the UK, you better take half as many coach/train trips as you did before...

Minor thing, I know. Especially when compared to the US, there they are cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and looking to gut Social Security. But it just aggravates me to no end to see these these things happen, when so much more money is being poured into destruction and death...


  1. yeah...i dont understand conservatives at all...

  2. This is sad. :( It's sad to see that there are actual people who think this is the right thing to do.

  3. Wow, that really sucks :/
    I agree with mary, it is sad that some people think this is right, neither old people nor students should pay full price, some just can't afford it, or they have to sacrifice something in order to do it :(
