Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sometimes you watch turtles...

...the Ninja Turtles that is! And with sophie and Geli :)

I didn't have a pic of the movies, and plus, this is way cooler! haha let's make it! Who's down?!

We are always at a loss as to what movies to watch with Sophie, since we don't like watching the same movies she likes over and over with her. And well, our collections isn't exactly for children. So I remembered we have the TMNT movies!(all 3!) So we watched the first one earlier in the week. I had low expectations, since re-watching childhood things is usually disappointing for me(DBZ, for example). So I was not expecting much, but I really liked it. I am sure part was nostalgia, but overall, it wasn't terrible, or bad at all really, I enjoyed it. So did Sophie. So that was really cool :) Today we watched part II, and I also liked it, and Geli didn't hate them either, so that was cool!


  1. hahah they were definitely better than i expected too!

  2. LOL, i just watched the Ninja Turtles too!! Gabe is a fan -_-

  3. I remember being a big fan of the TMNT when I was little :P
