Monday, September 5, 2011

Sometimes you go to a robot arena...

I know this entry is like a month after I went to the robot arena, but I figured it is better late than never, so here it goes.

We walked to school, so I got to see Geli's usual route, which was cool. I saw the window guy that Geli thinks is Russian, and it is pretty odd. The funny part, is i didn't see the window or the guy there until we were right in front of it, and we were talking about religion and as I passed his window I said something like "at least he isn't catholic" or something like that haha so he must have thought we hated catholics or something(if he understands English, which Geli thinks that he does not!).

Anyway, we saw this on the way to the school: 

And also, in case you were wondering, this is what the sky looked like on this day:

Also, we encountered a humped zebra crossing! But no zebras were crossing at the time:

This is the building the arena was in:

And in case you find yourself at this building, it is beyond this door, as explained on the sign:

This was the first robot I encountered. Although it was not in the arena:

Geli, at her workstation:

There is the wheelchair that can be driven with your face, thanks to Geli:

The arena!

Geli couldn't keep her eyes off of me while working. I don't blame her.

Apparently, this robot charges by humping the charger:

Geli, demonstrating how to drive with your face!

This robot was amazed, that you can drive a wheelchair with your face!

This one, not so much, it has seen a lot of things it said.

There are also videos, but there is no time to upload them right now. So it will have to wait until later. So there will be a robot arena update blog entry later :)


  1. One of the coolest entries ever :), pretty funny. That humping robot is pretty funny, hahaha. Do they ever have robot death matches or something? Wait, no...don't answer...I'm going to assume they do :)

  2. No, but they do have football matches hahah

  3. Great photos, I don't think they have fights there, the humping dog would beat them all :P
