Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sometimes you eat homemade ice cream...

...and it is delicious! Yesterday, we went to have some afternoon tea with some friends.  This was the bonus, after the meal:

It was a peanut butter cashew ice cream with chocolate, cream and sprinkles!!!
Check out the super cute calendar that Geli made Sophie:

Today we were supposed to go to the beach, hence the water and sun symbol.  But as we got to the bus stop, it started raining, so we cancelled that. Can you figure out the other symbols?


  1. Looks yummy!

    I'm going to say:
    -Going to the day care thingy (6th, 8th, etc.)
    -Taking a train, so traveling (10th, 11th, etc.)
    -Playing monito? (12th)
    -Taking a bus and then a plane to the New Continent :) (30th)

    So, how many did I get right?

  2. dude, you got them all right hahah

  3. You guys got spoiled by that German guy and his gf! I REALLY LIKE THE 30th
    !! yay!
