Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sometimes you fix timeclocks...

These things:

People use them for clocking in and out of the facilities. They decided to re-IP like a hundred buildings(due to running out of IP addresses, so they had to assign then a larger subnet) and so the financial team(us) has had to call the buildings and reprogram the clocks(they can't be done remotely), one by one. So yeah, it's been going on for the last couple weeks or so. I don't mind it actually, it is time consuming though. So yeah, that's all I got to say. That and I really like playing super mario world(SNES) with Sophie :)


  1. i remember clocking in and out with these things haha

  2. Yeah, I've used them too :), back when I was a Data Entry Operator, haha.

    Super Mario World is awesome!!!

  3. awww(: super mario SNES with your daughter! <3 cute

  4. Wow, it sucks that you have to do it one by one D:
    at this time and age one would think that it can be done with a few key press from your computer :P

  5. @Luis - yeah, I think you can telnet to them, but they would need to be online to be able to remote to them, so that kind of makes it impossible to change the IP remotely, when they are not "online".
