Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sometimes pictures get left behind...

not all of them can be winners. These didn't make the cut...(to the FB album, which still hasn't been posted because Geli didn't give me enough time to edit the captions haha)

This guy for example, I didn't think was cool enough to put in the album... poor dude.

This one, just got lost amongst the hundreds of street art'll see

And this one, I had better shots of this strangely plain church...

So there you go. Not all pics can be winners kids...


  1. It must be time consuming picking which pictures to upload, huh? But entertaining at the same time :)

  2. hey, hey, dont blame it on me! nobody forces you to sleep at the same time as me!

  3. @Sergio - Yeah, it is time consuming. But I enjoy every step of the way, so it's cool :)

  4. Lol poor pictures. Never stood a chance. :P

  5. Yeah, not everyone can be a winner :(, good pics though
