Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sometimes you miss a day...

I totally missed a day yesterday. So as a reward to my numerous readers I have some before/after shots! haha Also, check out the albums I posted after processing the numerous pics here:(London, Stonehenge, and Windsor). I will post the oxford ones tomorrow. They're ready, I just want to space them out haha...

I need to read into this, I don't know why it over exposes in Aperture Priority mode. Unless the one on the left is the preferred brightness by most. But I like it way better not so bright...

Purposely took it dark(to keep the shutter speed at around 1/30), since I know I can do this at home :)

I don't know why the camera(or the user lol) has a tendency to over expose the shots when in Aperture Priority mode(what we use most)

Before: Notice the nasty cable lines behind them

After: Where did they go?!

Again, nasty cable line:

After: And where did it go?! No photoshop either. The canon software tool has dust delete and stamping tool. That is how I did it.


  1. WOW dude, Ayy, I always get inspired to take pictures after seeing your posts. But i don't even know where to start! We should go to the mountains and white sands when you guys come! And elephant butte! We can take loads of awesome pics in those places!

  2. Yeah, too bad the only camera I have is the one from my cellphone :P and it sucks, I could use my sisters camera but she is a little picky with it XD

  3. mr. i hog all the picture post production!

  4. Wow, you are awesome at it!!! And like Mari said, I think you inspire us to take more pics...though we don't do it as often as we'd like :S
